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Join our growing community


Join the mind wellness community, specifically created for women and moms who prioritize their mental health and wellness. We provide them with a provider directory, free resources, online courses, and products that are created by counselors and therapists. We’ve already built a dedicated audience for you - simply join our platform to connect with and serve this engaged community. 


Your website storefront ecommerce

We charge an initial fee to join our platform ($99) and we from there on out, our platform is commission-based, meaning there are no monthly fees to participate. Instead, we take a percentage of each sale as affiliates, ensuring you only pay when you make money. This approach makes it simple and risk-free for you to grow your reach and revenue while focusing on what you do best.


Free Resources

If you created it, we want to share it! Free resources are a great way to convert clients to your website. This is free for you to list your resources and we don't make any money off of your content.


Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube

Add your blog content, your videos from YouTube, and/or podcast episodes to our website. We'll link it all back to your website.


Amazon Products 

We handpick mental health & wellness products—from apparel and gifts, to journals, self-care essentials, & other goodies from Amazon & TikTok only at this time. If you created it, we would love to help you sell it! We get paid through affiliate/commission links.


Online Course

We haven't found a space for online courses so we're building our own. This is a work in progress, but you can get started by leaving your course information with us and we'll get in touch as soon as we're ready to launch. Coming soon!


Find a Provider

Add yourself to our curated mental health provider directory of therapists, counselors, & other specialized support. If you're accepting new clients, this free directory is for you. Note: We don't make any money off of your listing.


Certifications & CEUS

If you're in the mental health field, you can check out our certifications & ceus - created by other providers, just like you. We also offer discounted courses & workshops for those who contribute to our women's wellness website. Coming soon!

Coming Soon: Etsy Shop


Retreats & Events

Retreats & Events will have their own page with a calendar and option for your ideal audience to register through your website. This page will have a fee for listing and we'll offer a featured section on the home page as well. Coming soon!


Etsy Shop

Etsy is a great place to sell both physical and digital products. Instead of creating your own storefront for 1 or 2 items, you can add your products to our store instead. We pay you for anyone who purchases your product at the end of the month and we take a commission fee for our marketing and ads on Etsy. Coming soon!

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